Source code for gptchem.formatter

.. admonition:: From the OpenAI Docs:
    :class: note

    To fine-tune a model, you'll need a set of training examples that each consist of a single input ("prompt") and its associated output ("completion"). This is notably different from using our base models, where you might input detailed instructions or multiple examples in a single prompt.

    Each prompt should end with a fixed separator to inform the model when the prompt ends and the completion begins. A simple separator which generally works well is ``\\n\\n###\\n\\n``. The separator should not appear elsewhere in any prompt.
    Each completion should start with a whitespace due to our tokenization, which tokenizes most words with a preceding whitespace.
    Each completion should end with a fixed stop sequence to inform the model when the completion ends. A stop sequence could be ``\\n``, ``###``, or any other token that does not appear in any completion.
    For inference, you should format your prompts in the same way as you did when creating the training dataset, including the same separator. Also specify the same stop sequence to properly truncate the completion.

import random
from typing import Collection, List, Optional
from urllib.parse import quote

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import selfies
from fastcore.basics import basic_repr
from numpy.typing import ArrayLike
from rdkit import RDLogger
from rdkit.Chem import MolFromSmiles as smi2mol
from rdkit.Chem import MolToSmiles as mol2smi
from selfies import decoder
from sklearn.preprocessing import LabelEncoder

from .types import StringOrNumber


[docs] def sanitize_smiles(smi): """Return a canonical smile representation of smi Parameters: smi (string) : smile string to be canonicalized Returns: mol (rdkit.Chem.rdchem.Mol) : RdKit mol object (None if invalid smile string smi) smi_canon (string) : Canonicalized smile representation of smi (None if invalid smile string smi) conversion_successful (bool): True/False to indicate if conversion was successful """ try: mol = smi2mol(smi, sanitize=True) smi_canon = mol2smi(mol, isomericSmiles=False, canonical=True) return (mol, smi_canon, True) except: return (None, None, False)
[docs] def mutate_selfie(selfie, max_molecules_len, write_fail_cases=False): """Return a mutated selfie string (only one mutation on slefie is performed) Mutations are done until a valid molecule is obtained Rules of mutation: With a 50% propbabily, either: 1. Add a random SELFIE character in the string 2. Replace a random SELFIE character with another Parameters: selfie (string) : SELFIE string to be mutated max_molecules_len (int) : Mutations of SELFIE string are allowed up to this length write_fail_cases (bool) : If true, failed mutations are recorded in "selfie_failure_cases.txt" Returns: selfie_mutated (string) : Mutated SELFIE string smiles_canon (string) : canonical smile of mutated SELFIE string """ valid = False fail_counter = 0 chars_selfie = get_selfie_chars(selfie) while not valid: fail_counter += 1 alphabet = list(selfies.get_semantic_robust_alphabet()) # 34 SELFIE characters choice_ls = [1, 2] # 1=Insert; 2=Replace; 3=Delete random_choice = np.random.choice(choice_ls, 1)[0] # Insert a character in a Random Location if random_choice == 1: random_index = np.random.randint(len(chars_selfie) + 1) random_character = np.random.choice(alphabet, size=1)[0] selfie_mutated_chars = ( chars_selfie[:random_index] + [random_character] + chars_selfie[random_index:] ) # Replace a random character elif random_choice == 2: random_index = np.random.randint(len(chars_selfie)) random_character = np.random.choice(alphabet, size=1)[0] if random_index == 0: selfie_mutated_chars = [random_character] + chars_selfie[random_index + 1 :] else: selfie_mutated_chars = ( chars_selfie[:random_index] + [random_character] + chars_selfie[random_index + 1 :] ) # Delete a random character elif random_choice == 3: random_index = np.random.randint(len(chars_selfie)) if random_index == 0: selfie_mutated_chars = chars_selfie[random_index + 1 :] else: selfie_mutated_chars = ( chars_selfie[:random_index] + chars_selfie[random_index + 1 :] ) else: raise Exception("Invalid Operation trying to be performed") selfie_mutated = "".join(x for x in selfie_mutated_chars) sf = "".join(x for x in chars_selfie) try: smiles = decoder(selfie_mutated) mol, smiles_canon, done = sanitize_smiles(smiles) if len(selfie_mutated_chars) > max_molecules_len or smiles_canon == "": done = False if done: valid = True else: valid = False except: valid = False if fail_counter > 1 and write_fail_cases is True: f = open("selfie_failure_cases.txt", "a+") f.write( "Tried to mutate SELFIE: " + str(sf) + " To Obtain: " + str(selfie_mutated) + "\n" ) f.close() return (selfie_mutated, smiles_canon)
[docs] def get_selfie_chars(selfie): """Obtain a list of all selfie characters in string selfie Parameters: selfie (string) : A selfie string - representing a molecule Example: >>> get_selfie_chars('[C][=C][C][=C][C][=C][Ring1][Branch1_1]') ['[C]', '[=C]', '[C]', '[=C]', '[C]', '[=C]', '[Ring1]', '[Branch1_1]'] Returns: chars_selfie: list of selfie characters present in molecule selfie """ chars_selfie = [] # A list of all SELFIE sybols from string selfie while selfie != "": chars_selfie.append(selfie[selfie.find("[") : selfie.find("]") + 1]) selfie = selfie[selfie.find("]") + 1 :] return chars_selfie
class BaseFormatter: _start_completion = " " _stop_sequence = "@@@" _end_prompt = "###" _prefix = "" _suffix = "?" _prompt_template = "" _completion_template = "" def format(self, row: pd.DataFrame) -> dict: raise NotImplementedError def format_many(self, df: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame: raise NotImplementedError __repr__ = basic_repr()
[docs] class ForwardFormatter(BaseFormatter): """Convert a dataframe to a dataframe of prompts and completions for classification or regression. The default prompt template is: {prefix}What is the {propertyname} of {representation}{suffix}{end_prompt} The default completion template is: {start_completion}{label}{stop_sequence} By default, the following string replacements are made: - prefix -> "" - suffix -> "?" - end_prompt -> "###" - start_completion -> " " - stop_sequence -> "@@@" """ _PROMPT_TEMPLATE = "{prefix}What is the {propertyname} of {representation_name}{representation}{suffix}{end_prompt}" _COMPLETION_TEMPLATE = "{start_completion}{label}{stop_sequence}" representation_name = '' def format(self) -> dict: raise NotImplementedError def _format(self, representation: StringOrNumber, label: StringOrNumber) -> dict: return { "prompt": self._PROMPT_TEMPLATE.format( prefix=self._prefix, propertyname=self.property_name, representation=representation, representation_name=self.representation_name, suffix=self._suffix, end_prompt=self._end_prompt, ), "completion": self._COMPLETION_TEMPLATE.format( start_completion=self._start_completion, label=label, stop_sequence=self._stop_sequence, ), "label": label, "representation": representation, } def __call__(self, df: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame: return self.format_many(df)
[docs] class ClassificationFormatter(ForwardFormatter): """Convert a dataframe to a dataframe of prompts and completions for classification. The default prompt template is: {prefix}What is the {propertyname} of {representation}{suffix}{end_prompt} The default completion template is: {start_completion}{label}{stop_sequence} By default, the following string replacements are made: - prefix -> "" - suffix -> "?" - end_prompt -> "###" - start_completion -> " " - stop_sequence -> "@@@" We map classes to integers, following the advice from OpenAI's documentation: .. admonition:: From the OpenAI Docs: :class: note Choose classes that map to a single token. At inference time, specify max_tokens=1 since you only need the first token for classification." """ _PROMPT_TEMPLATE = "{prefix}What is the {propertyname} of {representation_name}{representation}{suffix}{end_prompt}" _COMPLETION_TEMPLATE = "{start_completion}{label}{stop_sequence}" def __init__( self, representation_column: str, label_column: str, property_name: str, num_classes: Optional[int] = None, qcut: bool = True, representation_name: str = "" ) -> None: """Initialize a ClassificationFormatter. Args: representation_column (str): The column name of the representation. label_column (str): The column name of the label. property_name (str): The name of the property. num_classes (int, optional): The number of classes. qcut (bool): Whether to use qcut to split the label into classes. Otherwise, cut is used. representation_name (str) name of the representation (e.g. "SMILES"). Defaults to "". """ self.representation_column = representation_column self.label_column = label_column self.num_classes = num_classes self.property_name = property_name self.qcut = qcut self.bins = None self.representation_name = representation_name __repr__ = basic_repr("representation_column,label_column,property_name,num_classes,qcut,representation_name") @property def class_names(self) -> List[int]: """Names of the classes.""" return list(range(self.num_classes))
[docs] def bin(self, y: ArrayLike): """Bin the inputs based on the bins used for the dataset.""" if self.bins is None: raise ValueError("You must fit the formatter first.") return pd.cut(y, self.bins, labels=self.class_names, include_lowest=True)
[docs] def format_many(self, df: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame: """Format a dataframe of representations and labels into a dataframe of prompts and completions. This function will drop rows with missing values in the representation or label columns. Args: df (pd.DataFrame): A dataframe with a representation column and a label column. Returns: pd.DataFrame: A dataframe with a prompt column and a completion column. """ df = df.dropna(subset=[self.representation_column, self.label_column]) representation = df[self.representation_column] label = df[self.label_column] if self.num_classes is not None: if self.qcut: if self.bins is None: _, bins = pd.qcut(list(label.values), self.num_classes, retbins=True) bins = [-np.inf, *bins[1:-1], np.inf] self.bins = bins else: bins = self.bins label = pd.cut(label, bins=bins, labels=self.class_names, include_lowest=True) else: if self.bins is None: _, bins = pd.cut( list(label.values), self.num_classes, retbins=True, include_lowest=True, ) # change left and right edges to -inf and inf bins = [-np.inf, *bins[1:-1], np.inf] self.bins = bins else: bins = self.bins label = pd.cut(label, bins=bins, labels=self.class_names, include_lowest=True) return pd.DataFrame([self._format(r, l) for r, l in zip(representation, label)])
[docs] class ClassifictionFormatterWithExamples(ClassificationFormatter): _PROMPT_TEMPLATE = ( """{prefix}What is the {propertyname} of {representation}{suffix}{end_prompt}""" ) _EXAMPLES_TEMPLATE = """ Examples of the prompt/completion structure with dummy data: ## prompt: {p1} completion: {c1} ## prompt: {p2} completion: {c2} ## prompt: {p3} completion: {c3} """ def _format( self, representation: StringOrNumber, label: StringOrNumber, possible_labels: Collection[StringOrNumber], ) -> dict: random_prompts = [] random_completions = [] for i in range(3): mol = mutate_selfie(selfies.encoder(representation), 500)[1] random_completion = random.choice(possible_labels) random_prompts.append( self._PROMPT_TEMPLATE.format( prefix=self._prefix, propertyname=self.property_name, representation=mol, suffix=self._suffix, end_prompt=self._end_prompt, ) ) random_completions.append( self._COMPLETION_TEMPLATE.format( start_completion=self._start_completion, label=random_completion, stop_sequence=self._stop_sequence, ), ) examples = self._EXAMPLES_TEMPLATE.format( p1=random_prompts[0], p2=random_prompts[1], p3=random_prompts[2], c1=random_completions[0], c2=random_completions[1], c3=random_completions[2], ) return { "prompt": self._PROMPT_TEMPLATE.format( prefix=self._prefix, propertyname=self.property_name, representation=representation, suffix=self._suffix, end_prompt=self._end_prompt, ) + examples, "completion": self._COMPLETION_TEMPLATE.format( start_completion=self._start_completion, label=label, stop_sequence=self._stop_sequence, ), "label": label, "representation": representation, }
[docs] def format_many(self, df: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame: """Format a dataframe of representations and labels into a dataframe of prompts and completions. This function will drop rows with missing values in the representation or label columns. Args: df (pd.DataFrame): A dataframe with a representation column and a label column. Returns: pd.DataFrame: A dataframe with a prompt column and a completion column. """ df = df.dropna(subset=[self.representation_column, self.label_column]) representation = df[self.representation_column].values label = df[self.label_column].values if self.num_classes is not None: if self.qcut: if self.bins is None: _, bins = pd.qcut(list(label), self.num_classes, retbins=True) bins = [-np.inf, *bins[1:-1], np.inf] self.bins = bins else: bins = self.bins label = pd.cut(label, bins=bins, labels=self.class_names, include_lowest=True) else: if self.bins is None: _, bins = pd.cut( list(label) + [np.inf, -np.inf], self.num_classes, retbins=True, include_lowest=True, ) self.bins = bins else: bins = self.bins label = pd.cut(label, bins=bins, labels=self.class_names, include_lowest=True) return pd.DataFrame([self._format(r, l, label) for r, l in zip(representation, label)])
[docs] class RegressionFormatter(ForwardFormatter): """Convert a dataframe to a dataframe of prompts and completions for regression. The default prompt template is: {prefix}What is the {propertyname} of {representation}{suffix}{end_prompt} The default completion template is: {start_completion}{label}{stop_sequence} By default, the following string replacements are made: - prefix -> "" - suffix -> "?" - end_prompt -> "###" - start_completion -> " " - stop_sequence -> "@@@" """ _PROMPT_TEMPLATE = "{prefix}What is the {propertyname} of {representation}{suffix}{end_prompt}" _COMPLETION_TEMPLATE = "{start_completion}{label}{stop_sequence}" def __init__( self, representation_column: str, label_column: str, property_name: str, num_digits: int = 2, ) -> None: """Initialize a ClassificationFormatter. Args: representation_column (str): The column name of the representation. label_column (str): The column name of the label. property_name (str): The name of the property. num_digits (int): The number of digits to round the label to. """ self.representation_column = representation_column self.label_column = label_column self.property_name = property_name self.num_digits = num_digits __repr__ = basic_repr("representation_column,label_column,property_name,num_digits")
[docs] def format_many(self, df: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame: """Format a dataframe of representations and labels into a dataframe of prompts and completions. This function will drop rows with missing values in the representation or label columns. Args: df (pd.DataFrame): A dataframe with a representation column and a label column. Returns: pd.DataFrame: A dataframe with a prompt column and a completion column. """ df = df.dropna(subset=[self.representation_column, self.label_column]) representation = df[self.representation_column] label = df[self.label_column] label = label.round(self.num_digits) return pd.DataFrame([self._format(r, l) for r, l in zip(representation, label)])
[docs] class InverseFormatter(BaseFormatter): """ .. admonition:: From the OpenAI Docs: :class: note Using Lower learning rate and only 1-2 epochs tends to work better for these use cases """
class MultiColumnLabelEncoder: def __init__(self, columns=None): self.columns = columns # array of column names to encode def fit(self, X, y=None): return self # not relevant here def transform(self, X): """ Transforms columns of X specified in self.columns using LabelEncoder(). If no columns specified, transforms all columns in X. """ output = X.copy() if self.columns is not None: for col in self.columns: output[col] = LabelEncoder().fit_transform(output[col]) else: for colname, col in output.iteritems(): output[colname] = LabelEncoder().fit_transform(col) return output def fit_transform(self, X, y=None): return, y).transform(X) class ReactionClassificationFormatter(BaseFormatter): _PROMPT_TEMPLATE = ( "{prefix}What is the {propertyname} of the reaction {representation}{suffix}{end_prompt}" ) _COMPLETION_TEMPLATE = "{start_completion}{label}{stop_sequence}" def __init__( self, reactant_columns: Collection[str], reactant_column_names: Collection[str], label_column: str, property_name: str, num_classes: Optional[int] = None, qcut: bool = True, one_hot: bool = False, ) -> None: """Initialize a ReactionClassificationFormatter. Args: reactant_columns (Collection[str]): The column name of the reactants. reactant_column_names (Collection[str]): The names of the reactants. label_column (str): The column name of the label. property_name (str): The name of the property. num_classes (int, optional): The number of classes. qcut (bool): Whether to use qcut to split the label into classes. Otherwise, cut is used. one_hot (bool): Whether to use one hot encoding for the labels. """ self.reactant_columns = reactant_columns self.reactant_column_names = reactant_column_names self.label_column = label_column self.num_classes = num_classes self.property_name = property_name self.qcut = qcut self.bins = None self.one_hot = one_hot self.le = MultiColumnLabelEncoder(reactant_columns) @classmethod def from_preset(cls, ds_name, num_classes, one_hot=False, qcut=True): benchmarks = { "DreherDoyle": { "features": ["ligand", "additive", "base", "aryl halide"], "feature_names": ["ligand", "additive", "base", "aryl halide"], "labels": "yield", }, "DreherDoyleRXN": { "features": ["rxn"], "labels": "yield", "feature_names": ["reaction"], }, "SuzukiMiyaura": { "features": [ "reactant_1_smiles", "reactant_2_smiles", "catalyst_smiles", "ligand_smiles", "reagent_1_smiles", "solvent_1_smiles", ], "feature_names": [ "reactant 1", "reactant 2", "catalyst", "ligand", "reagent", "solvent", ], "labels": "yield", }, "SuzukiMiyauraRXN": { "features": ["rxn"], "labels": "yield", "feature_names": ["reaction"], }, } if ds_name not in benchmarks: raise ValueError(f"Dataset {ds_name} not found.") feats = benchmarks[ds_name]["features"] label = benchmarks[ds_name]["labels"] feat_names = benchmarks[ds_name]["feature_names"] return cls( reactant_columns=feats, label_column=label, num_classes=num_classes, one_hot=one_hot, qcut=qcut, reactant_column_names=feat_names, property_name="yield", ) @property def class_names(self) -> List[int]: """Names of the classes.""" return list(range(self.num_classes)) def bin(self, y: ArrayLike): """Bin the inputs based on the bins used for the dataset.""" if self.bins is None: raise ValueError("You must fit the formatter first.") return pd.cut(y, self.bins, labels=self.class_names, include_lowest=True) def _representation_string(self, representation): return " ".join([f"{n} {r}" for n, r in zip(self.reactant_column_names, representation)]) def _format(self, representation: ArrayLike, label: StringOrNumber) -> dict: return { "prompt": self._PROMPT_TEMPLATE.format( prefix=self._prefix, propertyname=self.property_name, representation=self._representation_string(representation), suffix=self._suffix, end_prompt=self._end_prompt, ), "completion": self._COMPLETION_TEMPLATE.format( start_completion=self._start_completion, label=label, stop_sequence=self._stop_sequence, ), "label": label, "representation": representation, } def format_many(self, df: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame: """Format a dataframe of representations and labels into a dataframe of prompts and completions. This function will drop rows with missing values in the representation or label columns. Args: df (pd.DataFrame): A dataframe with a representation column and a label column. Returns: pd.DataFrame: A dataframe with a prompt column and a completion column. """ df = df.dropna(subset=[self.label_column]) df = df.fillna(value="None") if self.one_hot: representation = df[self.reactant_columns] representation = self.le.fit_transform(representation).values.tolist() else: representation = df[self.reactant_columns].values representation = list(representation) label = df[self.label_column] if self.num_classes is not None: if self.qcut: if self.bins is None: _, bins = pd.qcut(list(label.values), self.num_classes, retbins=True) bins = [-np.inf, *bins[1:-1], np.inf] self.bins = bins else: bins = self.bins label = pd.cut(label, bins=bins, labels=self.class_names, include_lowest=True) else: if self.bins is None: _, bins = pd.cut( list(label.values) + [np.inf, -np.inf], self.num_classes, retbins=True, include_lowest=True, ) self.bins = bins else: bins = self.bins label = pd.cut(label, bins=bins, labels=self.class_names, include_lowest=True) return pd.DataFrame([self._format(r, l) for r, l in zip(representation, label)]) __repr__ = basic_repr( "reactant_columns, reactant_column_names, label_column, property_name, num_classes, qcut, one_hot" ) def __call__(self, df: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame: return self.format_many(df) class ReactionRegressionFormatter(BaseFormatter): _PROMPT_TEMPLATE = ( "{prefix}What is the {propertyname} of the reaction {representation}{suffix}{end_prompt}" ) _COMPLETION_TEMPLATE = "{start_completion}{label}{stop_sequence}" def __init__( self, reactant_columns: Collection[str], reactant_column_names: Collection[str], label_column: str, property_name: str, num_digit: Optional[int] = None, one_hot: bool = False, ) -> None: """Initialize a ReactionClassificationFormatter. Args: reactant_columns (Collection[str]): The column name of the reactants. reactant_column_names (Collection[str]): The names of the reactants. label_column (str): The column name of the label. property_name (str): The name of the property. num_digit (int, optional): The number of digits to round the label to. Defaults to None. one_hot (bool): Whether to use one hot encoding for the labels. """ self.reactant_columns = reactant_columns self.reactant_column_names = reactant_column_names self.label_column = label_column self.num_digit = num_digit self.property_name = property_name self.bins = None self.one_hot = one_hot self.le = MultiColumnLabelEncoder(reactant_columns) @classmethod def from_preset(cls, ds_name, num_digit, one_hot=False): benchmarks = { "DreherDoyle": { "features": ["ligand", "additive", "base", "aryl halide"], "feature_names": ["ligand", "additive", "base", "aryl halide"], "labels": "yield", }, "DreherDoyleRXN": { "features": ["rxn"], "labels": "yield", "feature_names": ["reaction"], }, "SuzukiMiyaura": { "features": [ "reactant_1_smiles", "reactant_2_smiles", "catalyst_smiles", "ligand_smiles", "reagent_1_smiles", "solvent_1_smiles", ], "feature_names": [ "reactant 1", "reactant 2", "catalyst", "ligand", "reagent", "solvent", ], "labels": "yield", }, "SuzukiMiyauraRXN": { "features": ["rxn"], "labels": "yield", "feature_names": ["reaction"], }, } if ds_name not in benchmarks: raise ValueError(f"Dataset {ds_name} not found.") feats = benchmarks[ds_name]["features"] label = benchmarks[ds_name]["labels"] feat_names = benchmarks[ds_name]["feature_names"] return cls( reactant_columns=feats, label_column=label, num_digit=num_digit, one_hot=one_hot, reactant_column_names=feat_names, property_name="yield", ) def _representation_string(self, representation): return " ".join([f"{n} {r}" for n, r in zip(self.reactant_column_names, representation)]) def _format(self, representation: ArrayLike, label: StringOrNumber) -> dict: return { "prompt": self._PROMPT_TEMPLATE.format( prefix=self._prefix, propertyname=self.property_name, representation=self._representation_string(representation), suffix=self._suffix, end_prompt=self._end_prompt, ), "completion": self._COMPLETION_TEMPLATE.format( start_completion=self._start_completion, label="{:.{prec}f}".format(label, prec=self.num_digit), stop_sequence=self._stop_sequence, ), "label": label, "representation": representation, } def format_many(self, df: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame: """Format a dataframe of representations and labels into a dataframe of prompts and completions. This function will drop rows with missing values in the representation or label columns. Args: df (pd.DataFrame): A dataframe with a representation column and a label column. Returns: pd.DataFrame: A dataframe with a prompt column and a completion column. """ df = df.dropna(subset=[self.label_column]) df = df.fillna(value="None") if self.one_hot: representation = df[self.reactant_columns] representation = self.le.fit_transform(representation).values.tolist() else: representation = df[self.reactant_columns].values representation = list(representation) label = df[self.label_column] label = label.round(self.num_digit) return pd.DataFrame([self._format(r, l) for r, l in zip(representation, label)]) __repr__ = basic_repr( "reactant_columns, reactant_column_names, label_column, property_name, num_classes, qcut, one_hot" ) def __call__(self, df: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame: return self.format_many(df) class MOFSolventRecommenderFormatter(BaseFormatter): _PROMPT_TEMPLATE = ( "{prefix}In which solution will {linker} and {node}{ion} crystallize{suffix}{end_prompt}" ) _COMPLETION_TEMPLATE = "{start_completion}{label}{stop_sequence}" def __init__( self, linker_columns: List[str], node_columns: List[str], counter_ion_columns: List[str], solvent_columns: List[str], solvent_mol_ratio_columns: List[str], make_safe: bool = True, ): self.linker_columns = linker_columns self.node_columns = node_columns self.solvent_columns = solvent_columns self.solvent_mol_ratio_columns = solvent_mol_ratio_columns self.counter_ion_columns = counter_ion_columns self.make_safe = make_safe def _linker_string(self, linker): return ", ".join([l for l in linker if not pd.isna(l)]) def _solvent_string(self, solvent, solvent_mol_ratio): return " and ".join( [f"{np.round(m,2)} {s}" for s, m in zip(solvent, solvent_mol_ratio) if not np.isnan(m)] ) def _clean(self, string): if self.make_safe: return quote(string, safe="()=@#?[]").replace("%20", " ") return string def _format(self, linker, node, ion, solvent, solvent_mol_ratio) -> dict: return { "prompt": self._clean( self._PROMPT_TEMPLATE.format( prefix=self._prefix, linker=self._linker_string(linker), node=str(node[0]).replace("[", "").replace("]", ""), ion=str(ion[0]).replace("[", "").replace("]", ""), suffix=self._suffix, end_prompt=self._end_prompt, ) ), "completion": self._clean( self._COMPLETION_TEMPLATE.format( start_completion=self._start_completion, label=self._solvent_string(solvent, solvent_mol_ratio), stop_sequence=self._stop_sequence, ) ), "label": self._solvent_string(solvent, solvent_mol_ratio), "representation": [linker, node, ion, solvent, solvent_mol_ratio], "solvents": solvent, "solvent_mol_ratios": solvent_mol_ratio, } def format_many(self, df: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame: """Format a dataframe of representations and labels into a dataframe of prompts and completions. This function will drop rows with missing values in the representation or label columns. Args: df (pd.DataFrame): A dataframe with a representation column and a label column. Returns: pd.DataFrame: A dataframe with a prompt column and a completion column. """ # drop entries that have "unknown" in one of the fields filtered_rows = [] df.dropna(subset=[self.linker_columns[0]] + [self.node_columns[0]], inplace=True) for _, row in df.iterrows(): if "unknown" in row[self.counter_ion_columns].values: continue if any( [ len(row[linker_col]) > 400 for linker_col in self.linker_columns if not pd.isna(row[linker_col]) ] ): continue filtered_rows.append(row) df = pd.DataFrame(filtered_rows) linker = df[self.linker_columns].values node = df[self.node_columns].values ion = df[self.counter_ion_columns].values solvent = df[self.solvent_columns].values solvent_mol_ratio = df[self.solvent_mol_ratio_columns].values return pd.DataFrame( [ self._format(l, n, i, s, smr) for l, n, i, s, smr in zip(linker, node, ion, solvent, solvent_mol_ratio) ] ) __repr__ = basic_repr( "linker_columns, node_columns, counter_ion_columns, solvent_columns, solvent_mol_ratio_columns" ) def __call__(self, df: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame: return self.format_many(df) class InverseDesignFormatter(BaseFormatter): _PROMPT_TEMPLATE = "{prefix}What is a molecule with {property}{suffix}{end_prompt}" _COMPLETION_TEMPLATE = "{start_completion}{label}{stop_sequence}" _CHECK_NAN = True def __init__( self, representation_column: str, property_columns: List[str], property_names: List[str], num_classes: int = None, num_digits: int = 1, ): self.representation_column = representation_column self.property_columns = property_columns self.property_names = property_names self.num_classes = num_classes self.num_digits = num_digits self.bins = None @property def class_names(self) -> List[int]: """Names of the classes.""" return list(range(self.num_classes)) def bin(self, y: ArrayLike): """Bin the inputs based on the bins used for the dataset.""" if self.bins is None: raise ValueError("You must fit the formatter first.") return pd.cut(y, self.bins, labels=self.class_names, include_lowest=True) def _format_property(self, prop): strings = [] def check_nan(v): if self._CHECK_NAN: if np.isnan(v): return True return False for p, v in zip(self.property_names, prop): if not check_nan(v): if self.num_digits is not None and not self.num_classes: v = np.around(v, self.num_digits) # convert to string with self.num_digits decimal places v = f"{v:.{self.num_digits}f}" strings.append(f"{p} {v}") return " ,".join(strings) def _format(self, representation, prop) -> dict: return { "prompt": self._PROMPT_TEMPLATE.format( prefix=self._prefix, property=self._format_property(prop), suffix=self._suffix, end_prompt=self._end_prompt, ), "completion": self._COMPLETION_TEMPLATE.format( start_completion=self._start_completion, label=representation, stop_sequence=self._stop_sequence, ), "label": representation, "representation": prop, } def format_many(self, df: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame: df = df.dropna(subset=self.property_columns) representation = df[self.representation_column].values prop = df[self.property_columns].values if self.num_classes is not None: if self.bins is None: _, bins = pd.qcut(prop.flatten(), self.num_classes, retbins=True) bins = [-np.inf, *bins[1:-1], np.inf] self.bins = bins else: bins = self.bins prop = pd.cut( prop.flatten(), bins=bins, labels=self.class_names, include_lowest=True ).astype(int) prop = [[p] for p in prop] return pd.DataFrame([self._format(r, p) for r, p in zip(representation, prop)]) __repr__ = basic_repr("representation_column, property_columns, property_names, num_classes") def __call__(self, df: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame: return self.format_many(df) class InverseDesignFormatterWithComposition(InverseDesignFormatter): _PROMPT_TEMPLATE = ( "{prefix}What is a molecule with {property} and {composition}{suffix}{end_prompt}" ) def __init__( self, representation_column: str, property_columns: List[str], property_names: List[str], num_classes: int = None, num_digits: int = 1, composition_columns: List[str] = None, composition_names: List[str] = None, ): self.representation_column = representation_column self.property_columns = property_columns self.property_names = property_names self.num_classes = num_classes self.num_digits = num_digits self.bins = None self.composition_columns = composition_columns self.composition_names = composition_names def _format(self, representation, prop) -> dict: return { "prompt": self._PROMPT_TEMPLATE.format( prefix=self._prefix, property=self._format_property(prop), suffix=self._suffix, end_prompt=self._end_prompt, ), "completion": self._COMPLETION_TEMPLATE.format( start_completion=self._start_completion, label=representation, stop_sequence=self._stop_sequence, ), "label": representation, "representation": prop, } def format_many(self, df: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame: df = df.dropna(subset=self.property_columns) representation = df[self.representation_column].values prop = df[self.property_columns].values if self.num_classes is not None: if self.bins is None: _, bins = pd.qcut(prop.flatten(), self.num_classes, retbins=True) bins = [-np.inf, *bins[1:-1], np.inf] self.bins = bins else: bins = self.bins prop = pd.cut( prop.flatten(), bins=bins, labels=self.class_names, include_lowest=True ).astype(int) prop = [[p] for p in prop] return pd.DataFrame([self._format(r, p) for r, p in zip(representation, prop)]) class MOFSynthesisRecommenderFormatter(BaseFormatter): _PROMPT_TEMPLATE = "What is the success of a reaction of {ligand} with {salt} in {solvent} {modifier} at {temperature}C for {time}h{end_prompt}" _COMPLETION_TEMPLATE = "{start_completion}{label}{stop_sequence}" def __init__( self, ligand_column: Optional[str] = None, inorganic_salt_column: Optional[str] = None, modifier_column: Optional[str] = None, temperature_column: Optional[str] = None, time_column: Optional[str] = None, solvent_columns: Optional[List[str]] = None, solvent_vol_ratio_columns: Optional[List[str]] = None, outcome_column: Optional[str] = None, score_column: Optional[str] = None, doi_column: Optional[str] = None, use_score: bool = True, ): self.ligand_column = ligand_column or "ligand name" self.inorganic_salt_column = inorganic_salt_column or "inorganic salt" self.modifier_column = modifier_column or "additional" self.temperature_column = temperature_column or "T [°C]" self.time_column = time_column or "t [h]" self.solvent_columns = solvent_columns or ["solvent1", "solvent2", "solvent3"] self.solvent_vol_ratio_columns = solvent_vol_ratio_columns or [ "V/V solvent1 [ ]", "V/V solvent2 [ ]", "V/V solvent3 [ ]", ] self.outcome_column = outcome_column or "outcome" self.score_column = score_column or "score" self.doi_column = doi_column or "reported" self.use_score = use_score def _solvent_string(self, solvent, solvent_mol_ratio): return " and ".join( [ f"{np.round(m,2)} {s}" for s, m in zip(solvent, solvent_mol_ratio) if not np.isnan(m) and isinstance(s, str) and s != "NA" ] ) def _modifier_string(self, modifier): if isinstance(modifier, str) and modifier != "NA": return f"and {modifier}" else: return "" def _format( self, linker, node, solvent, solvent_mol_ratio, modifier, temperature, time, score, outcome ) -> dict: return { "prompt": self._PROMPT_TEMPLATE.format( prefix=self._prefix, ligand=linker, salt=node, solvent=self._solvent_string(solvent, solvent_mol_ratio), modifier=self._modifier_string(modifier), temperature=temperature, time=time, suffix=self._suffix, end_prompt=self._end_prompt, ), "completion": self._COMPLETION_TEMPLATE.format( start_completion=self._start_completion, label=score if self.use_score else outcome, stop_sequence=self._stop_sequence, ), "label": score if self.use_score else outcome, "representation": [ linker, node, solvent, solvent_mol_ratio, modifier, temperature, time, ], "solvents": solvent, "solvent_mol_ratios": solvent_mol_ratio, } def format_many(self, df: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame: """Format a dataframe of representations and labels into a dataframe of prompts and completions. This function will drop rows with missing values in the representation or label columns. Args: df (pd.DataFrame): A dataframe with a representation column and a label column. Returns: pd.DataFrame: A dataframe with a prompt column and a completion column. """ # drop entries that have "unknown" in one of the fields df.dropna(subset=[self.ligand_column] + [self.inorganic_salt_column], inplace=True) linker = df[self.ligand_column].values node = df[self.inorganic_salt_column].values solvent = df[self.solvent_columns].values solvent_mol_ratio = df[self.solvent_vol_ratio_columns].values modifier = df[self.modifier_column].values temperature = df[self.temperature_column].values time = df[self.time_column].values score = df[self.score_column].values outcome = df[self.outcome_column].values return pd.DataFrame( [ self._format(l, n, s, smr, m, temp, t, sco, out) for l, n, s, smr, m, temp, t, sco, out in zip( linker, node, solvent, solvent_mol_ratio, modifier, temperature, time, score, outcome, ) ] ) __repr__ = basic_repr( "ligand_column inorganic_salt_column modifier_column temperature_column time_column solvent_columns solvent_vol_ratio_columns outcome_column score_column doi_column use_score" ) def __call__(self, df: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame: return self.format_many(df) def create_example_string( data, representation_col: str, value_col: str, num_examples: Optional[int] = None, ): if num_examples is None: num_examples = len(data) examples = [] for i, row in data.sample(num_examples).iterrows(): examples.append(f"Q: {row[representation_col]}\nA: {row[value_col]}\n") return "\n".join(examples) class FewShotFormatter: _PREFIX = ( "I am a highly intelligent question answering bot that answers questions about {property}." ) _PROMPT_TEMPLATE = """{prefix} {examples} Q: {representation}""" def __init__( self, training_frame: pd.DataFrame, property_name: str, representation_column: str, label_column: str, ): self.property_name = property_name self.representation_column = representation_column self.label_column = label_column self.training_frame = training_frame __repr__ = basic_repr("representation_column,label_column,property_name") def _format(self, row: pd.Series) -> dict: """Format a single row of a dataframe into a prompt and completion. Args: row (pd.Series): A row of a dataframe with a representation and a label. Returns: dict: A dictionary with a prompt and a completion. """ return { "prompt": self._PROMPT_TEMPLATE.format( prefix=self._PREFIX.format(property=self.property_name), representation=row[self.representation_column], examples=create_example_string( self.training_frame, self.representation_column, self.label_column, ), ), "completion": row[self.label_column], "label": row[self.label_column], "representation": row[self.representation_column], } def format_many(self, df: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame: """Format a dataframe of representations and labels into a dataframe of prompts and completions. This function will drop rows with missing values in the representation or label columns. Args: df (pd.DataFrame): A dataframe with a representation column and a label column. Returns: pd.DataFrame: A dataframe with a prompt column and a completion column. """ return pd.DataFrame([self._format(row) for _, row in df.iterrows()]) __call__ = format_many