
For reproducing experiments from our paper, please have a look at the experiments folder.

You can find prior experiments in our old repository.

0. No fine-tuning#

The 00_no_fine_tuning folder contains the code for the experiments we conducted to investigate the performance of GPT without any fine-tuning. We basically see that without fine-tuning GPT cannot answer our questions—also simply because it does not know the format of the prompts and the format of the completions we would expect.

1. Tuning parameter influence#

The 01_tuning_parameter_influence folder contains the code for the experiments we conducted to investigate the influence of a couple of tuning parameters on the performance of the classification performance. For computational reasons, we limited these experiments to a binary classification on the photoswitch dataset. For this experiments we split the dataset into two balanced classes. Therefore, a dummy classifier would have an accuracy of 50%.


We recommend to always also train dummy models, e.g. sklearn.dummy.DummyClassifier or sklearn.dummy.DummyRegressor to get a sense of the performance of a random model. Only consider GPT-3’s predictions if they are better than the dummy model.

We investigated the following parameters:

  • num_train_epochs: Number of training epochs

  • learning_rate_multiplier: Multiplier for the learning rate

  • base_model: The base model used for fine-tuning
    • GPT-3:
      • text-davinci-003

      • text-ada-001

      • text-babbage-002

      • text-curie-002

    At the beginning of Jan 2023, Codex models could not yet be fine-tuned.

To run the baselines, the following additional dependencies are needed:

3. Classification experiments#

Each folder will contain a Python script to run the experiments and a notebook to analyze the results.

You will find subfolders for the following experiments:


See the folder bandgap

To run the baselines, the following additional dependencies are needed:

Heat capacity#

See the folder cv

To run the baseline, follow the instructed provided by Moosavi et al.. For the composition-based baseline, you also need CrabNet. Follow the installation instructions on Sterling Baird’s fork of the CrabNet repository.

High entropy alloy phase#

See the folder hea_phase

High entropy alloy single vs multiphase#

See the folder hea_single_vs_multiphase

To run the baselines, the following additional dependencies are needed:

Henry coefficients#

See the folder henry.

To run the baselines, the following additional dependencies are needed:


See the folder lipophilicity

To run the baselines, the following additional dependencies are needed:


See the folder matbench. In there, there is one folder per task.


See the folder opv

To run the baselines, the following additional dependencies are needed:


See the folder photoswitch

To run the baselines, the following additional dependencies are needed:


To run the baselines, the following additional dependencies are needed:

C-N cross-coupling#

See the folder rxn_doyle.

To run the baselines, the following additional dependencies are needed:

C-C cross-coupling#

See the folder rxn_suzuki.

To run the baselines, the following additional dependencies are needed:


See the folder solubility

To run the baselines, the following additional dependencies are needed:

4. Regression experiments#

The regression experiments follow the same structure as the classification experiments.

5. Inverse design#

The evaluation of the HOMO-LUMO gap inverse design expects that the scripts are run on a server with slurm as job scheduler.

Some experiments hard-code pretrained models. You won’t have access to those as they are limited to our organization. However, you can fine-tune a model yourself and then change the modelname.

6. Prompt structure#

In this experiments, we attempted to add some examples (with dummy data) to the prompt with the hope that this would make the learning more efficient—because the model might “in-context-learn” the structure of the prompt. However, we found this to rather confuse the model.

7. Few shot learning#

This contains our experiments for in-context learning. Note that this also calls the largest models and hence can be quite expensive to run.

8. Permutation test#

Our experiment on the photoswitch where we permute the labels to see if this is different to learning from chemically meaningful data.

9. Invalid prompts#

In those experiments we used some pre-trained models. You won’t have access to those as they are limited to our organization. However, you can fine-tune a model yourself and then change the modelname.

10. Functional groups#

In those experiments we used some pre-trained models. You won’t have access to those as they are limited to our organization. However, you can fine-tune a model yourself and then change the modelname.